Source: RCPsych
General resources (refer to content of specific chapter which offer in depth knowledge of elements referred to in the syllabus)
British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society (2022). BNF. 83, March 2022. London: British Medical Assoc.
American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing.
World Health Organization (2019). International Classification of Diseases. 11th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Semple, D. and Smyth, R. (2019). Oxford handbook of psychiatry. Oxford ; New York, Ny: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, D.M. (2021). Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines In Psychiatry. 14th ed. S.L.: Wiley-Blackwell.
Harrison, P.J., Cowen, P., Burns, T. and Fazel, M. (2018). Shorter Oxford textbook of psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sadock, B.J., Sadock, V.A. and Ruiz, P. (2017). Kaplan & Sadock’s comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
David, A., Fleminger, S., Kopelman, M., Lovestone, S. and Mellers, J. (2011). Lishman’s Organic Psychiatry. John Wiley & Sons.
Agarwal, N., Faruqui, R., and Bodani, M. (2020). Oxford Textbook of Neuropsychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Stahl, S.M. (2021). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical application. 5th ed. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Organisation and delivery
I Nicol Ferrier and Waite, J. (2020). The ECT handbook. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, Ny: Cambridge University Press.
General Adult
Kingdon, D., Rowlands, P., and Stein, G. (2024). Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry. 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press.
Thomasson, R., Guthrie, E., and House, A. (2023). Seminars in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press
Old Age
Dening, T. and Thomas, A. (2020). Oxford textbook of old age psychiatry. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gabbard, G., Beck, S., and Holmes, J. (2005). Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Child and adolescent
Thapar, A. (2018). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
Substance misuse
Day, E. (2021). Seminars in Addiction Psychiatry. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press
Saunders, J., Conigrave, K., and Latt N. (2016). Addition Medicine. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press
Puri, B. and Treasaden, I.H. (2017). Forensic Psychiatry. CRC Press.
Eastman, N. (2023). Forensic Psychiatry.
Learning disability
Sabyasachi Bhaumik (2020). Oxford textbook of psychiatry of intellectual disability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Scheepers, M. and Kerr, M. (2019). Seminars in the psychiatry of intellectual disability. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, Ny: Cambridge University Press.
Critical review
Key textbooks
Lawrie, S.M., Mcintosh, A.M. and Sanjay Rao (2000).
Critical appraisal for psychiatrists. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Wang, C. (n.d.). Textbook of Clinical Epidemiology. Springer Nature.
Peacock, J.L. and Peacock, P.J. (2020). Oxford handbook of medical statistics. Oxford Oxford University Press.
Kirkwood, B.R. and Sterne, J. (2010). Essential Medical Statistics. John Wiley & Sons.
Forrester, Michael A. and Sullivan, C. (2020). Doing Qualitative Research In Psychology: A Practical Guide.
Jackson, D. (2017). Healthcare economics made easy. Banbury, Uk: Scion.
Further reading for critical review
Narinder Kaur Gosall and Gurpal Singh Gosall (2015). The doctor’s guide to critical appraisal. Knutsford: Pastest.
Aviva Petrie and Sabin, C. (2020). Medical statistics at a glance. Hoboken, Nj: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bland, M. (2015). An introduction to medical statistics. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Owen, A. (2023). Statistics for Clinicians. Springer Nature.
Drummond, M. (2015). Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. 4th ed. Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, Ny, Usa: Oxford University Press.
Brown, T.M. and Wilkinson, G. (2005). Critical Reviews in Psychiatry. RCPsych Publications.
Freeman, C. and Tyrer, P.J. (2006). Research methods in psychiatry. London: Gaskell, Cop.
Medical journals such as:
The British Journal of Psychiatry
BJPsych Open
BJPsych Bulletin
BMJ Mental Health
The Lancet
International Journal of Epidemiology